
Track: Industrialization

Tue 21
Propcon Hub

Opening Session

21-05-2024 10:00 21-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Opening Session Propcon Hub
10:00h - 11:00h Propcon Hub
Workshop | Workshops

Solar-fix certified professional skill

21-05-2024 10:00 21-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Solar-fix certified professional skill

Professional Installer of Fischer Solar-fix Systems for Drilling and Cutting, Waterproofing, Fitting and Bracing of Structures Fully certified courses with TÜV Rheinland Admission Requirements: At least 6 months’ experience at a company involved in renewable energies or an electrical installer’s licence. *Places limited: pre-registration is required

Worskshop Area
10:00h - 18:00h Worskshop Area
Workshop | Side Events

Governing Board of APCEspaña

21-05-2024 10:30 21-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Governing Board of APCEspaña

Regular meeting of the members of the Board of the Association of Construction Developers of Spain Admission by invitation only

10:30h - 14:00h CC1.2
Ponencia 30' | Sustainable Building Congress

Construcción industrializada para el desarrollo de vivienda asequible a gran escala: El Plan VIVE

Antonio Sánchez Gea
Antonio Sánchez Gea SOCOTEC Director de Ciudades y Edificación - Madrid office Moderador/Presentador
Juan Manuel Borrás González
Juan Manuel Borrás González Culmia Director Operaciones Speaker
José Ignacio Esteban Gil
José Ignacio Esteban Gil ávita / Grupo Avintia Director General Speaker

21-05-2024 12:00 21-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Construcción industrializada para el desarrollo de vivienda asequible a gran escala: El Plan VIVE
El Plan Vive de la Comunidad de Madrid apuesta por la innovación en la construcción mediante la implementación
de técnicas de industrialización como clave en todos sus proyectos. Esta tipología de construcción permite acortar los plazos de ejecución en un 30%, mejorando sustancialmente su huella de carbono y acelerando la edificación de nuevas viviendas.
Se mostrará como ejemplo el desarrollo del Lote 3 formado por 1.763 viviendas, y del Lote único del
Plan Vive II con un total 1.137 viviendas, todas ellas viviendas públicas en la Comunidad de Madrid destinadas al alquiler, diseñadas y construidas utilizando estas técnicas industrializadas.
12:00h - 12:30h Auditorium
Conference 30' | Sustainable Building Congress

Industrialised construction for the development of large-scale affordable housing: The VIVE Plan

Antonio Sánchez Gea
Antonio Sánchez Gea SOCOTEC Moderador/Presentador
Juan Manuel Borrás González
Juan Manuel Borrás González Culmia Director of Operations Speaker
José Ignacio Esteban Gil
José Ignacio Esteban Gil ávita / Grupo Avintia Director General Speaker

21-05-2024 12:00 21-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Industrialised construction for the development of large-scale affordable housing: The VIVE Plan

The Vive Plan of the Community of Madrid advocates innovation in construction by means of the implementation of industrialisation techniques as a key element in all its projects. This kind of construction can shorten execution times by 30%, thus substantially improving its carbon footprint and accelerating the construction of new homes. The development of Lot 3, made up of 1,763 homes, and the single Lot of Vive Plan II with a total of 1,137 homes will be displayed as examples of public housing intended for rental in the Community of Madrid which are designed and built using these industrialised techniques.

12:00h - 12:30h Auditorium
Conference 30' | Sustainable Building Congress

Concordia Bridge, a new gateway to Madrid.

Francisco Domouso de Alba
Francisco Domouso de Alba Universidad Europea de Madrid Deputy Head of School. Architecture and Civil. School of Architecture, Engineering and Design Speaker

#infraestructuras, #ingenieria, #obracivil

21-05-2024 13:30 21-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Concordia Bridge, a new gateway to Madrid.

Winning project of a 2007 ideas competition, construction completed in 2023. The competition postulated a "singular" bridge, as an entrance to Madrid from Terminal 4 and the new neighbourhood of Valdebebas, which has been responsible for its financing. This iconic character found itself with a resounding object in its formal limits.

13:30h - 14:00h Auditorium
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

InnoFAB. An Industrialised Housing Refurbishment Model

#edificación, #rehabilitaciónenergética, #residencial

21-05-2024 13:40 21-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid InnoFAB. An Industrialised Housing Refurbishment Model

InnoFAB, an industrialised home renovation model that blends prefabricated techniques, advanced technology and sustainable practices. It optimises the renovation process, reduces execution times, and improves the quality of life for residents. This collaborative approach promotes urban regeneration in an efficient and accessible manner.

13:40h - 14:00h Talks
Workshop | Side Events

Del certificado energético al pasaporte de rehabilitación: instrumentos de la nueva EPBD para activar la rehabilitación.

21-05-2024 15:00 21-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Del certificado energético al pasaporte de rehabilitación: instrumentos de la nueva EPBD para activar la rehabilitación. Sala de Prensa
15:00h - 18:00h Sala de Prensa
Workshop | Side Events

Meeting of the European Federation of Façade and Window Manufacturers’ Associations (FAECF)

21-05-2024 15:00 21-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Meeting of the European Federation of Façade and Window Manufacturers’ Associations (FAECF)

Face-to-face meeting of representatives of national associations from the United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Italy, Austria and Spain Access by invitation only

15:00h - 18:00h CC1.3
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

Alsina Geotrench systems for shoring work, safety and economy in digging work.

21-05-2024 15:15 21-05-2024 15:35 Europe/Madrid Alsina Geotrench systems for shoring work, safety and economy in digging work.

Alsina industrialised shoring systems in Spain. The positive influence of the use of on-site shoring systems, the safety of workers as an essential factor in increasing productivity and how the use of these systems can optimise costs by reducing the volume to be dug.

15:15h - 15:35h Talks
Round Table 40' | Sustainable Building Congress

Challenges and Opportunities for Building with Industrialised Solid Wood

#edificación, #madera, #materiales

21-05-2024 16:15 21-05-2024 16:55 Europe/Madrid Challenges and Opportunities for Building with Industrialised Solid Wood

Mass Madera is a network to boost the use of industrialised solid wood in Spain as a solution to reduce the emissions associated with the building industry and meet the need to continue providing housing and urban solutions for a growing population. This round table will address the challenges and opportunities for the transition to this industrialised and decarbonising form of construction.

16:15h - 16:55h Talks
Conference 30' | Sustainable Building Congress

Inauguración Oficial Construmat

Pau Relat
Pau Relat Fira de Barcelona President Speaker
Xavier Vilajoana
Xavier Vilajoana Construmat President Speaker

21-05-2024 17:10 21-05-2024 17:40 Europe/Madrid Inauguración Oficial Construmat Auditorium
17:10h - 17:40h Auditorium
Propcon Hub

Start-ups Competition Awards Ceremony

21-05-2024 17:45 21-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Start-ups Competition Awards Ceremony Propcon Hub
17:45h - 18:00h Propcon Hub
Wed 22
Workshop | Side Events

Meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of ASEFAV

22-05-2024 09:00 22-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of ASEFAV

Meeting of the board of management Admission by invitation only  

09:00h - 14:00h CC1.1
Workshop | Side Events

Builder’s Guild Board Meeting

22-05-2024 09:00 22-05-2024 10:00 Europe/Madrid Builder’s Guild Board Meeting

Federation of Construction Companies of Barcelona 9:30 a.m. Board of Management 11:30 a.m. General Assembly of the Catalan Confederation of Construction 12:00 p.m. Board of Directors *Access by invitation only.  

09:00h - 10:00h CC1.3
Workshop | Workshops

Lime Stucco Maintainers and Sgraffito Courses

22-05-2024 10:00 22-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Lime Stucco Maintainers and Sgraffito Courses

Making sgraffito in traditional lime stucco and samples of work that can be done both in new construction and restoring: techniques that can be learned at the school of the Barcelona Painters' Guild

Worskshop Area
10:00h - 11:00h Worskshop Area
Workshop | Side Events

General Assembly of the CCOC

22-05-2024 10:00 22-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid General Assembly of the CCOC

The General Assembly of the Chamber of Works Contractors of Catalonia (CCOC), which will take place on 22 May, is an annual meeting in which the results of the previous year are reviewed and key decisions are made on policies, strategies and budgets for the following year. Admission by invitation.

10:00h - 13:00h CC1.2
Masterclass | Sustainable Building Congress

Design for Modular Construction, Opportunities for Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Reduction

22-05-2024 10:00 22-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Design for Modular Construction, Opportunities for Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Reduction
This course covers:
• The built environment consumes nearly half of the world’s extracted raw materials, and construction industry causes about a third of the total amount of waste
• How can we contribute to the reduction of the negative environmental impact and carbon footprint of the construction sector?
• As most other major industries have evolved to rely on more industrial and automated processes, it’s seen as inevitable that the building industry will do the same
• The process by which components of a building are prefabricated off-site in a controlled setting and then shipped to the project site and assembled.
• Design for disassembly
10:00h - 13:00h CC1.4
Workshop | Workshops

Disruptive solutions to eliminate water losses

22-05-2024 11:10 22-05-2024 12:10 Europe/Madrid Disruptive solutions to eliminate water losses Worskshop Area
11:10h - 12:10h Worskshop Area
Workshop | Side Events

Junta Directiva – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció

22-05-2024 11:30 22-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Junta Directiva – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció CC1.3
11:30h - 13:00h CC1.3
Workshop | Workshops

Decorative Floorings: Demonstrations & Tips

22-05-2024 12:20 22-05-2024 13:20 Europe/Madrid Decorative Floorings: Demonstrations & Tips
STONE CARPET: Decorative floor blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings thanks to the naturally occurring colored aggregates
FLAKE FLOORING: Versatile flake flooring providing increased durability along with a stunning result
MICROCEMENT COATINGS: Drawing inspira on by the Mediterranean architecture, they evoke a sense of tranquility, elegance, and timelessness
DECORATIVE ACRYLIC COATINGS: Ultra-smooth decorative surfaces with a microcement-like finish
Beach-entry pool systems designed for a high-end aesthetic and upscale experience
Worskshop Area
12:20h - 13:20h Worskshop Area
Round table | Sustainable Building Congress

5 kilómetros de pilares en un edificio de oficinas: un macroproyecto de industrialización en tiempo récord.

#arquitectura, #edificación, #equipamientos, #prefabricación, #salud

22-05-2024 12:20 22-05-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid 5 kilómetros de pilares en un edificio de oficinas: un macroproyecto de industrialización en tiempo récord. Talks
12:20h - 12:45h Talks
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

El FC Barcelona apuesta por la economía circular con un nuevo Spotify Camp Nou sostenible.

22-05-2024 12:45 22-05-2024 13:10 Europe/Madrid El FC Barcelona apuesta por la economía circular con un nuevo Spotify Camp Nou sostenible. Talks
12:45h - 13:10h Talks
Workshop | Side Events

Assemblea General – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció

22-05-2024 13:00 22-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Assemblea General – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció CC1.3
13:00h - 14:00h CC1.3
Workshop | Workshops

K-Line PrefBIM Configurator

22-05-2024 14:50 22-05-2024 15:50 Europe/Madrid K-Line PrefBIM Configurator

Introducing the K-Line BIM configurator with its extensive joinery library covering our entire range. With it, improvements and efficiency are achieved in the construction processes, through the planning and visual representation of all the phases of the work, facilitating the manufacture of the carpentry and ensuring its perfect implementation, guaranteeing its durability.

Worskshop Area
14:50h - 15:50h Worskshop Area
Workshop | Side Events

ASEFAVE General Assembly Meeting

22-05-2024 15:00 22-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid ASEFAVE General Assembly Meeting

General Assembly: Admission by invitation only

15:00h - 18:00h CC1.1
Workshop | Workshops

Construction solutions for ventilated façades: Frontek and Argos

22-05-2024 16:00 22-05-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Construction solutions for ventilated façades: Frontek and Argos

Technical and practical conference where the products of the Frontek and Argos brands for ventilated façades will be developed. These are two extruded porcelain products that can be covered on the façade of both new and renovation buildings, creating an elegant structure that is sustainable and efficient, as well as elegant, resulting in a 35% reduction in air conditioning and heating costs. In the case of Frontek, its honeycomb pieces allow for much easier installation while considerably reducing the weight of the façade. Attendees will be able to see a live demonstration of the different assembly systems. They will also be able to touch different pieces of the collection to check out the textures and volumes.

Worskshop Area
16:00h - 17:00h Worskshop Area
Panel | Propcon Hub

Tomorrow’s construction: making today’s future a reality!

22-05-2024 17:00 22-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Tomorrow’s construction: making today’s future a reality!

Get ready to optimise your processes! We’ll be talking about the scalability of production and the improvement of business competitiveness. We’ll boost sustainable growth and industrial innovation.

Propcon Hub
17:00h - 17:30h Propcon Hub
Panel | Propcon Hub

Optimización de procesos: Implementación de metodología Lean en construcción

22-05-2024 17:30 22-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Optimización de procesos: Implementación de metodología Lean en construcción Propcon Hub
17:30h - 18:00h Propcon Hub
Thu 23
Workshop | Side Events

The Plenary Session of the Superior Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE)

23-05-2024 09:00 23-05-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid The Plenary Session of the Superior Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE)

The Plenary Session of the Higher Council of the Associations of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) is the monthly meeting in which the councillors, representatives of the 50,000 registered architects in our country, address issues related to the defence of the profession and the protection and social dissemination of the values of architecture for the general interest.   Created in 1931, the CSCAE is the public law corporation that represents the Associations of Architects of Spain and the profession to public administrations and private entities. Admission by invitation only.

09:00h - 16:00h CC1.2
Workshop | Side Events

Board of Directors of the “Federació Catalana de la Indústria, el Comerç i els serveis de la Construcció”, FECOCAT

23-05-2024 10:00 23-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Board of Directors of the “Federació Catalana de la Indústria, el Comerç i els serveis de la Construcció”, FECOCAT

FECOCAT, which brings together 14 Guilds and Associations, is taking advantage of CONSTRUMAT to hold its board meeting and participate in this important event. Access by invitation only.

10:00h - 13:00h Protocolo
Workshop | Workshops

Decorative finishes with ecological paint with wood imitations and glazes

23-05-2024 10:00 23-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Decorative finishes with ecological paint with wood imitations and glazes

A practical demonstration session will be held on painting techniques with the use of different methodologies and imitation with ecological, environmentally friendly materials that contribute to sustainability.

Worskshop Area
10:00h - 11:00h Worskshop Area
Conference 30' | Sustainable Building Congress

Industrialised housing and procurement of the project and work. How to promote and build public housing quickly.

#construcción, #edificación, #promoción, #residencial

23-05-2024 10:00 23-05-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Industrialised housing and procurement of the project and work. How to promote and build public housing quickly.

The Barcelona Municipal Housing and Rehabilitation Institute (IMHAB) is committed to industrialised public housing to promote the growth of the city’s public provision. This construction system shortens the execution times of works and it’s more sustainable. In addition, it requires a single tender for the project and the work so that they can be completed even more quickly.

10:00h - 10:30h Talks
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

The Khanvian System applied to a multi-family high-rise building

#construcción, #edificación, #residencial

23-05-2024 10:50 23-05-2024 11:10 Europe/Madrid The Khanvian System applied to a multi-family high-rise building

This presentation aims to explain the Khanvian construction system (a new patented system) applied to a multi-family high-rise building. We intend it to be an informative lecture for professionals focusing, once again, on industrialisation and a new revolutionary system, which is unique in the market.

10:50h - 11:10h Talks
Workshop | Workshops

Evitar lastres y elementos sueltos en instalaciones fotovoltaicas en cubiertas ligeras, dando soluciones a las nuevas exigencias técnicas

23-05-2024 11:10 23-05-2024 12:10 Europe/Madrid Evitar lastres y elementos sueltos en instalaciones fotovoltaicas en cubiertas ligeras, dando soluciones a las nuevas exigencias técnicas Worskshop Area
11:10h - 12:10h Worskshop Area
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

MMC at Centro Logístico Mayoral

#construcción, #construccionoffsite, #edificación, #eficienciaenergética

23-05-2024 11:10 23-05-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid MMC at Centro Logístico Mayoral

Use of Modern Construction Methods (MMC) in the execution of the work of the New Mayoral Logistics Centre in Málaga, where, with the exception of the foundations and some minor elements, the project has a high degree of industrialisation and modulation, as it’s been possible to execute the off-site construction and assemble it on site in a precise and fast manner. It has two fundamental elements that have been industrialised: the tubular triangular metal structure and the façade with a folded zinc sheet.

11:10h - 11:30h Talks
Workshop | Side Events

Networking space: professional opportunities in sustainable construction

23-05-2024 11:30 23-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Networking space: professional opportunities in sustainable construction

We will learn about the professional opportunities of sustainable construction, we will analyse the trends in the industry and promote networking between professionals and companies. Key visions and knowledge will be shared on the future labour landscape of the industry, with a wide range of topics such as professional profiles, requisite training, valued skills, recruitment channels and future challenges. Organised by Barcelona Activa with the support of the BCN Vocational Education Foundation

11:30h - 14:00h CC1.5
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

Prefabricated solution for long-span bridges / La Sagrera prefabricated roofing

#construcción, #infraestructuras, #ingenieria, #obracivil

23-05-2024 11:30 23-05-2024 11:50 Europe/Madrid Prefabricated solution for long-span bridges / La Sagrera prefabricated roofing

This new proposal combines current prefabrication techniques for continuous bridges with a wet joint to achieve spans in the range of 100-250m. The singular part of the roof of the new Sagrera station combines the solution with prefabricated elements of open spaces of 48.00 x 39.08 m, with the aesthetic finish for the platform area.

11:30h - 11:50h Talks
Workshop | Workshops

Membrana líquida, triple función: Hermeticidad, barrera de radón y sustituto del yeso

23-05-2024 12:20 23-05-2024 13:20 Europe/Madrid Membrana líquida, triple función: Hermeticidad, barrera de radón y sustituto del yeso

Soudal has been in the window segment for more than 10 years providing sustainable, fast and easy solutions to high hermetic standards. Soudal will make a theoretical-practical demonstration of the range of watertight window sealing in any type of work, widely known in the market and endorsed by the prescription of the main window manufacturers.

Worskshop Area
12:20h - 13:20h Worskshop Area
Conference 30' | Sustainable Building Congress


#construcción, #eficienciaderecursos, #materiales, #soluciones

23-05-2024 12:30 23-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid ITeC Talks: JFGCONSULTORS/PLANICER

SES, SteelEmbedSystem, is a new integrated pre-industrialised slab system. The system is a very high quality and extremely lightweight slab solution in both mixed and dry designs. SES intelligently combines the design of OSB, galvanised steel sheet, EPS and concrete to maximise performance and deliver a high-performance floor.

12:30h - 13:00h Talks
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

ITeC Talks: The industrialisation of brick coverings by means of ceramic fabrics (Flexbrick)

#construcción, #eficienciaderecursos, #materiales, #soluciones

23-05-2024 13:00 23-05-2024 13:20 Europe/Madrid ITeC Talks: The industrialisation of brick coverings by means of ceramic fabrics (Flexbrick)

Flexbrick is an industrialised system consisting of flexible ceramic sheets for the construction of coatings (façades, flooring and roofs) that reaches the construction site folded up on pallets to be deployed with a crane and spread out like a carpet on flooring or roofs or hung like a curtain on façades. The latest applications on the international architectural stage are presented.

13:00h - 13:20h Talks
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

ITeC Talks: Denvelops industrialised solutions

#construcción, #eficienciaderecursos, #materiales, #soluciones

23-05-2024 13:20 23-05-2024 13:40 Europe/Madrid ITeC Talks: Denvelops industrialised solutions

Denvelops presents a proposal based on hybrid textiles for interior and exterior coverings for walls, ceilings, facades and pergolas. It’s a solution which, from the standpoint of industrialisation, advocates decomposing existing systems into small-format components that are easy to assemble and affordable to manufacture.

13:20h - 13:40h Talks
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress


#construcción, #eficienciaderecursos, #materiales, #soluciones

23-05-2024 13:40 23-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid ITeC Talks: AISLUX

Sustainable construction with translucent products. The EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for Polycarbonate. The Factory Mutual (FM) for skylights and vents.

13:40h - 14:00h Talks
Conference 20' | Sustainable Building Congress

Navarre’s commitment to affordable, sustainable and industrialised housing

#construcción, #edificación, #promoción, #residencial

23-05-2024 14:00 23-05-2024 14:20 Europe/Madrid Navarre’s commitment to affordable, sustainable and industrialised housing

NASUVINSA, an instrumental company of the Government of Navarre, will present its most innovative projects as part of this region’s strategic commitment to promoting high energy efficiency protected housing, the use of renewable energy sources and high-rise timber buildings and driving sustainability and the circular economy during the building process by means of industrialised construction models and the current commitment to 3D construction solutions.

14:00h - 14:20h Talks
Workshop | Workshops

Industrialised masonry. Replacing traditional bonding material in the installation of Ceranor’s SATEbrick and TermoRec Systems.

23-05-2024 14:50 23-05-2024 15:50 Europe/Madrid Industrialised masonry. Replacing traditional bonding material in the installation of Ceranor’s SATEbrick and TermoRec Systems.

Practical example of replacing traditional mortar with other dry bonding materials in Ceranor's SATEbrick and TermoREC Systems. Increased speed, reduced water consumption. Simplified installation, maintaining all the advantages of the system in terms of stability, thermal and acoustic insulation, obtaining considerable savings in indirect costs per square metre.

Worskshop Area
14:50h - 15:50h Worskshop Area
Workshop | Side Events

Job Talent Market

23-05-2024 15:30 23-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Job Talent Market

If you want to meet professionals in the Construction industry to hire them for your organisation, we invite you to participate in the Job Market Place that Barcelona Activa organises in collaboration with Construmat. We look forward to seeing you on May 23 in this recruitment and networking space, where you will find professionals pre-selected by Barcelona Activa - suited to your needs.

15:30h - 18:00h CC1.5
Workshop | Workshops

Increase perceived quality of the projects, with OLIVARI lever handles

23-05-2024 16:00 23-05-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Increase perceived quality of the projects, with OLIVARI lever handles

Workshop with OLIVARI samples, components and finishes to increase the perceived quality of housing and contract projects. Enriching the customer experience.

Not exactly the assembly, but outlining the different components and their functions. It would include a set of samples of models and finishes to explain the internal mechanism, the base material, the differences and the characteristics of the different finishes. Also explain the different types of models and what they are most suitable for.

And finally explain the combination with the necessary accessories for the doors.

Worskshop Area
16:00h - 17:00h Worskshop Area
Round Table 45' | Sustainable Building Congress

10 years of industrialisation in the construction industry

#eficiencia, #sistemasconstructivos, #soluciones

23-05-2024 16:15 23-05-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid 10 years of industrialisation in the construction industry

This round table aims to debate the role of industrialisation in the construction industry. Providing points of view, assessing progress (fast or slow) in the industry, etc., approaching it from a sustainability, digitalisation, resource optimisation, etc., point of view. What are the benefits? Who benefits the most? Builders, developers, clients, public administration, etc? All of them? Present and future? What lies ahead? Let's look at it from the 2030 Agenda.

16:15h - 17:00h Auditorium
Round Table 45' | Sustainable Building Congress

Building methods. Bulk construction systems

#eficiencia, #sistemasconstructivos, #soluciones

23-05-2024 17:00 23-05-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid Building methods. Bulk construction systems

The dialogue will focus on bulk construction systems beyond concrete. The discussion will include two approaches where the choice of material and the implementation demonstrate that there are alternatives to standardised construction in order to reduce the carbon footprint.

17:00h - 17:45h Auditorium